Buying a used golf cart can be a very confusing undertaking. There are many variations and types of carts available these days, from the very basic to wildly modified. Buyers have many options, but caution should be used to ensure they don't inherit someone's albatross. Knowing what to look for, could save big expenses later.
Tire Wear
Take a general assessment of the tires and their condition. Are they all the same brand and do they have similar and even wear? Uneven wear can be indicative of serious alignment problems, a bent frame or worn out steering components. Tires of mixed brands is an indication that the cart may have seen excessive use or be a rebuild of junk parts. This may not necessarily be the case, but keep it in mind as you continue looking over the candidate cart.
Never buy a cart without taking some time to drive it. Take it over some rough terrain as well as a solid concrete driveway. Sloppy steering should be an immediate concern for you. Worn 'rack and pinion' steering boxes are expensive to replace. If the rack and pinion is worn, you can also reasonably expect the steering 'rod ends' and spindle bushings also need attention. None of these components are necessarily cheap to replace. The steering wheel, pulling to the left or right can be caused by uneven pressure in the tires or unmatched sizes. If the cart pulls, check the tire pressure first to see if the problem corrects. If it does not help, the spindle (on the same side that it pulls to) may have a bad wheel bearing causing dragging. You can jack up that corner of the cart and see if the wheel rotates freely.
Battery Age
Most golf cart battery manufacturers stamp the date of manufacture on the top of one of the battery posts. You can easily see a '08' or '09' etc, even with the battery cable connected. Be aware that batteries that are more than three years old will require replacement sooner than later. Expect to pay $600 or more for a new set of batteries, no matter what the configuration or voltages are. Never assume that the batteries are of the same vintage as the model year of the cart either. Also, batteries of mixed years in the same cart could be a clue that the cart has seen some serious use in a fleet environment.
Be sure the brakes are firm and stop the cart quickly without grinding or squealing. Brake shoe replacement is not usually a big deal unless service has been neglected to the point where the brake drum is gouged or otherwise damaged. Excessive rust and corrosion around the brake backing plates behind the rear wheels can be an indication of possible neglected maintenance.
Smooth Ride
A well maintained cart should roll along smoothly and quietly. A wobbling or lumpy motion when driving on a smooth solid surface indicates a problem. A bent wheel, or worse, a bent axle will cause the cart to bob up and down with a frequency proportional to the speed. An 'out of round' tire can also cause a similar symptom but is usually not the case. Worn front end components will exaggerate the symptoms dramatically.
Wiring should be neatly routed and protected from chaffing with factory clamps and terminations. Be wary of modified wiring if it does not look professionally done. Cobbled up wiring can cause you big headaches if you are not savvy with electrical systems. A shorted wire on an electric cart can be devastating. The tremendously high current capability of the batteries can turn a shoddy wiring system into a giant cigarette lighter. Look for splices and taped up connections that do not seem to belong, and then pass on the purchase.
Play It By Ear
Odd Noises from drive train. Turn off any radios and the like when you take your test ride. Listen for any odd noises that may be present. Grinding, excessive whining or clicking sounds can help you identify problems with the cart. The sounds a vehicle makes can tell you a lot if you take the time to listen.
A well maintained cart can literally offer decades of reliable service. Taking time to select the right cart to fit your needs now will pay dividends later.
At ACEV, INC we test out and ispect all items above. If any of the items above don't check out to 60% remaining life or better we replaced it for you. We also offer 90 day warranty on all parts and labor on a used golf car.
Or Perhaps a Custom Cart is more your taste?
We also offer custom builds designed to fit specifically to your needs

Eye-popping vibrancy and mind-bending depth. However you wish to describe it.... From standard basecoats to kandies to the crazy brilliant colors, every time you look at it you wont believe your eyes.

Wheels and Tires
With options like Chrome, Powder Coated, Machined, and Painted Finishes In anywhere from 8-14" rims, You can truly express yourself.

Chose from basic Vinyls and Cloths to Premium Leathers and Swedes. Complete the look with carpet kits and Sun curtain trims. Also Block the sun with Shadys™ Sunshades,

Speed and Torque
Whether your looking to fly by the competition or looking to haul a personal trailer let our motor and controller upgrades be up for the task!
Your golf cart allows you to express yourself in a way that's rare in sports.
There are two main types of golf carts: gasoline and electric. Gasoline golf carts work just like little cars. A small engine, running on gasoline, powers the cart's wheels. However, one major difference between a typical car and a gasoline-powered golf cart is when the engine runs. In a car, the engine starts when you turn the key, and it keeps running until you switch the ignition off. In a gasoline-powered golf cart, the engine starts when you step on the gas pedal, and it shuts off when you take your foot off the gas. That feature helps save gas, cuts down on emissions and helps keep the course quiet, too. And it's nice that you won't have to be thinking about your next shot over the drone of an engine.
Electric golf carts use batteries to power an electric motor. The batteries are typically charged by plugging the cart into a wall outlet, just like the ones you have in your house. However, some golf carts are now being fitted with solar panels on their roofs to help charge the batteries.
Most golf carts that are used exclusively for golf play are relatively plain. They're just basic two seaters. However, you can also get modified golf carts that can carry more than two people and move supplies, like food or luggage, from place to place. Gasoline golf carts can also be fitted with more powerful motors, beefed-up suspensions and four-wheel drive, making them ideal for work in rugged areas. Plus, you can also get golf carts that have been modified to look like a Porsche, a Hummer or even a Bentley.
Of course, to really trick out your golf cart, you'll need the proper accessories. Keep reading to find out what kinds of accessories are available for golf carts.
Theme Golf Carts
Sport them golf carts are
a popular choice for our customers. Let's get started on yours today.

Custom People Movers
Custom decals and colors are only the begining when branding your company.
Custom Golf Cart
Accessorize you golf cart to better enjoy your golf round.

Custom NEV's
Get a street ready golf cart with a city permit and enjoy your local neighborhood.
Utility Golf Carts
We can build anything from hotel and resort carts, Â maintenance carts, landscaping and everything in between.